Croatia | Part Three

As I wrote previously wrote, once we were all together in Zagreb, it was a little hard to travel with five kids all under the age of 8, but we did take one whole day to go visit Plitvice, a national park.  It was about a two hour drive south of Zagreb. (Click HERE to visit their website). It was so beautiful and, as usually is the case, pictures just do not do its beauty justice. I eventually gave up trying to get the perfect pictures and chose to be in the moment during our hike, deciding  the best memories will be the ones in my mind.  And yes, that was the true color of the water!

Croatia | Part Two

I have written before that I love taking pictures of the grandparents with the grandkids.  While we were all together, we took the opportunity to take some "formal" pictures, or at least as formal as you can get with kids.  This one turned out to be one of my all-time favorites of Ann and Anna.

Croatia | Summer 2016

We had the amazing opportunity to travel to Croatia over the summer to visit family who are currently posted abroad.  I was extremely nervous traveling with a 3 and 5 year old on an overseas flight, however, they were so good on the flights! We spent most of the week staying at home visiting (there were 5 kids under 8!) so traveling and sightseeing was a little complicated.  We took a few days to tour the capital of Zagreb, which is where we were staying, and we took one day to visit a national park.  I wish I had more photos of the sights we saw, but most of the pictures I took were of family, so I will take a few weeks to share some of those.  The first is the obligatory "let's-ask-someone-to-take-our-picture" picture of us in the northern part of Zagreb.  While the nice gentleman took our photo with our iPhone, his wife kept taking pictures of us with her camera!  Somewhere in Asia, our little family photo is being shared with their family.

Spring Break | 2016

The cousins were together again!  When they entered through the doorway, it was as if they had never been separated.  Within five minutes, they all migrated to the playroom and were coloring, chit chatting about their lives and the very important plans they were making for the week.