Christ Church

In August, our school's chaplain came to me, explaining that he would like to incorporate the stained glass windows in the church for his weekly chapel lessons with the students. He wanted to know if I would take pictures of each window (24 total). I was so excited for this challenge.  I had never done anything like this before.  I read what little research I could find on this type of photography and away I went.  Besides photographing a new subject, being in the church with no one else was my favorite part.  This church is beautiful, inside and out.

The windows are organized by 10 Old Testament windows and 12 New Testament windows.  Towards the bottom of the post, I have included some of my favorite windows.  While I had an empty church, I took that opportunity to capture the sanctuary.  The first picture was from the choir loft with the lights shining on just the Altar.  The second shot was from the aisle with all the light on.  Both are dramatic in their own way.

South Rose Window

                                                                                          Old Testament

                  New Testament