Rise and Shine

I have been wanting to write about this little story for awhile and I am now just returning to it. This is from our fall trip to Ohio back in October.  Colin is a very early riser and I always worry about how early he will get up when we are staying at others' houses.  On this particular morning, he awoke at 5:30, which awoke his cousin, which awoke Uncle Dave, who was not thrilled to be up at 5:30 on a Saturday morning.  So, he told the two of them they had to help him do work in the yard.  The assignment:  Install the invisible dog fence.  I am not sure how his cousin felt about this "punishment" but Colin was more than thrilled to be doing work in the yard.  I followed the three of them around for awhile and it is safe to say that Colin and his cousin found more play than work between the two of them!