The Selfie Project Finale

I had lofty intentions of taking a selfie a day with the kids in 2015.  I am not at all into selfies and I am not sure I understand the infatuation with them, but I really wanted to be in more photos with the kids and I thought, "Hey!  Let's take selfies!" No selfie stick involved in this project!  In fact, a few times, I set up my good camera on the tripod and took some pictures, but that was exhausting trying to get the settings correct and focus just right.  And besides, I really wasn't going for the perfect moment, perfect picture shots.  I just wanted pictures of me with the kids.  I only ended up with about 70 for the year.  Here are 64, only because the fit nicely into a square.  This project was a lot harder than I anticipated.  I thought the kids would love taking pictures with the iPhone.  Turns out they just want to be in the moment, and that is just fine by me.  Those make the best memories anyway.