The Details

I have always wanted an iPhone. I have always had a simple phone.  I just couldn't justify the cost versus how often I would use the data plan.  I kept bugging Verizon about offering a plan without data, but they always said maybe one day.  I had to go in a few weeks ago to straighten out a bill and I mentioned, AGAIN, how I wish I didn't have to have a data plan with an iPhone.  The representative said, "Well, technically, because of how the new plans work, you are already being charged $15 for 250mb of data."  "So, I can finally get an iPhone for a decent price?" I asked.  15 minutes later, I was walking out with one!  So why did I really want one?  For taking pictures and video.  I love my big camera, but it's not all that convenient for the quick photo opportunities.  I've researched how to use it effectively, apps that work well with it and I am starting to get the hang of it and am starting to take some great photos.  I asked Colin to close his eyes so I could get a close up of his eyelashes. (Ladies, are you as jealous as I am?)  I am amazed at the amount of detail it captured!

Rainbow Cassia

We have a beautiful tree in our yard.  After it was planted in the summer of 2009, we had a very cold winter, and the poor little thing couldn't take it.  I though for sure it would die.  But, little by little each year, it has grown and made a tremendous comeback.  The blooms are long gone, but I wanted to share their beauty.

Old St. Pete

A few weeks ago, I was invited by some newly-made photographer friends to join them for a photo walk in downtown St. Petersburg, specifically in the Old St. Pete neighborhood.  I met them at workshop I attended back in February and realized that we all live within 30 minutes of each other.  I jumped at the chance to photograph something besides my children!  I love them to death, but was so excited to be creative in a different way.  Old St. Pete is, as stated, an older part of town, with century old homes and traditional old Florida charm.  We spent about 2 hours walking around in the evening, photographing each other, architecture, details, landscapes.  We hope to be able to do this once a month and I look forward to it.  So the next few posts will be pictures taken from our photo walk.