
Willis Tower. Architectural Cruise. Chicago deep dish pizza.  The Magnificent Mile. The "L". Buddy Guy's Legends Blues Club. Perfect weekend with great girlfriends.

Terra Ceia Preserve State Park

A few weeks ago, I met up with the group of photographers that I met up with in Old. St. Pete back in August.  This time, we photographed a family, a beautiful family.  The kids were amazing, but by the time it was my turn to photograph them, I knew they had had enough posing and really wanted to explore, so I let them go and tried to capture what kids do best!  I think my favorite moments were the mother-daughter ones.

Manatee Village Historical Park, part 1

There is a little historic park on Manatee Avenue that we pass by  twice a week on the way to school.  We have passed it for years and Colin always wants to stop because out in front of the park is an old steam engine.  He LOVES it.  A few months ago, the three of us stopped and took the (free!) tour and we were the only ones there!  It is an old village that has been preserved and you can walk around at your leisure to look around.  They even have a children's scavenger hunt, which really excited Colin.  A few weeks ago, we went with Grandma and Grandpa to look around again, and Colin had just as much fun as he did before.  He is particularly interested in the old schoolhouse, and now that he is in school, he liked playing teacher this time.  This week I am posting some photos from the village.  Next week, I'll post the pictures with Grandma and Grandpa.


I see just about every sunrise since my little ones greet me with such enthusiasm at 6:00 on the dot each and every morning!  This particular sunrise was so gorgeous, with the light reflecting off the clouds.