Something Out of Nothing

Lately, I have been taking pictures of Colin's make-believe time.  It amazes me how he makes anything out of everything and nothing!  On this day, he asked for a TV table so he could make a desk during quiet time.  He said he "had work" to do.  When I went back to his room awhile later, he was talking to his "class" and below is the set up I found.  I believe his artwork of the school bus from art class that day prompted this whole world.

Christ Church

In August, our school's chaplain came to me, explaining that he would like to incorporate the stained glass windows in the church for his weekly chapel lessons with the students. He wanted to know if I would take pictures of each window (24 total). I was so excited for this challenge.  I had never done anything like this before.  I read what little research I could find on this type of photography and away I went.  Besides photographing a new subject, being in the church with no one else was my favorite part.  This church is beautiful, inside and out.

The windows are organized by 10 Old Testament windows and 12 New Testament windows.  Towards the bottom of the post, I have included some of my favorite windows.  While I had an empty church, I took that opportunity to capture the sanctuary.  The first picture was from the choir loft with the lights shining on just the Altar.  The second shot was from the aisle with all the light on.  Both are dramatic in their own way.

South Rose Window

                                                                                          Old Testament

                  New Testament

A "Winning" Submission

Well, I didn't actually win anything, just a win for my ego!  A few weeks ago, I came across a call for entry at PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont. (click the link to read their "About" page).  The call for entry was for their upcoming exhibit "Going Places". When I was in Chicago, I took a picture of my friends waiting for the subway, and it quickly became one of my all-time favorite photos.  I thought it would be perfect for the gallery exhibition.  I am happy to say that, while my image was not chosen by the juror, Carlan Tapp, for exhibition in the gallery, it was chosen as one of 40 images for the online gallery that goes with the exhibition!  It will also be printed in the catalog to accompany the exhibition.  I am so excited! The exhibition opens today.  Click HERE to see all the winners, for both the gallery exhibition and online gallery (my photo is the last one.  They are in alphabetical order).

Cedar Key

Near the end of July, J.B. and I had the opportunity for a little getaway.  Whenever we do have the chance, we try to go somewhere in Florida that we haven't been to.  On this particular weekend, we visited Cedar Key.  It is about three hours north of us on the Gulf side of the state.  It was a very sleepy little island when we visited, since it is out-of-season time.  We stayed in a cute little B&B called the Cedar Key Bed and Breakfast.  Alice, the owner, was so sweet, and made incredible, homemade breakfasts each morning.  Our favorite homemade treats were the cookies, in the Bottomless Cookie Jar.  They were oatmeal chocolate chip with spices.  We didn't do much!  Slept in, read out on the balcony, ate, walked around town, and rode bikes out to a state park.  It was the perfect, do-nothing weekend.

Swim Time

This summer, both kids learned to swim to the bottom of the pool, which still amazes me!  They also learned that it's great fun when daddy throws them into the deep end.

Cousins | Part Two

On a very rare occasion, ALL of J.B.'s side of the family was in Florida at the same time:  his sister and both of his cousins on the West side, which means we were all able to get the kiddos together for a picture, which is not easy when there are seven kids under 3 involved!  For the special occasion, Lizzy made Hello Kitty dresses for each of her girl cousins.